North Santiam Sewer Authority

North Santiam Sewer Authority Wastewater Master Plan (September 9, 2021)
In 2020, Keller Associates was contracted to complete a Wastewater Master Plan for the proposed joint sewer project between Detroit, Gates, Idanha, and Mill City. This Wastewater Master Plan provides evaluation and selection of alternatives, cost estimates and details needed to guide the NSSA in providing community wastewater systems that will meet their long-term needs and be financially sustainable. This document serves as the stand-alone summary of the project engineering recommendations.
You can find the plan here. The Executive Summary of the Master Plan, which is not quite so large to download, is available here.
North Santiam Regional Wastewater Feasibility and Land Inventory Studies (January 2017)
These studies, paid for by Oregon Business Infrastructure Finance Authority and Marion County's portion of the Oregon Lottery dollars, served as the first of many phases of the North Santiam Joint Wastewater Project. Keller Associates produced the Wastewater Feasibility Study, which explored engineering and management options for the project. Maul Foster Alongi produced the Land Inventory Study, which inventoried and analyzed available land in the region.
You can find the Wastewater Feasibility Study here, and the Land Inventory Study here.
North Santiam Joint Sewer Project Report
(August 1, 2017)
This report detailed an initial pathway for the implementation of the North Santiam Joint Sewer Project. It suggested that a regionalized wastewater approach would enhance the opportunities for grant and loan funding, minimizing the long term financial impact to individuals, rural entrepreneurs, and city budgets. The report explains how a regional project is expected to enhance the region’s sustainability, resiliency and long term economic prosperity.